Happy day, babes!

Just last week a former teacher reached out to me about blogging. She told me that she has been thinking about starting a blog for awhile and wanted a little bit more information on how to do it. When staring at my phone and pondering how to reply to her text, I started thinking “Why do I blog?” and “What does it do for me?” So as a mini-milestone and my 45th post on this blog, here are the reasons why I started a blog and why I continue to do it:

It’s My Outlet

First and foremost, my blog has become my creative space.  It’s the place where I can come to organize my thoughts and feelings to share them with the world. Despite sharing so much on social media and my blog, I am still a relatively shy person, but oddly enough my blog has helped me to come out of my shell. In all honesty, it helps me to be myself. I have always loved writing from a young age and my blog helps me to continue that passion. I am a person that is always thinking; whether it’s about travel, inspiration, or life in general. I love having a place where I can inspire others to live their best life.

Gets Me to Think

Believe it or not, having a blog is a great way to get the wheels turning in your brain. Before writing a post, I always have to take time to think on how to appropriately put my thoughts into words, especially with travel posts. There are alway all kinds of decisions to be made when you have a blog: how you market, who your audience is, what design you want to use, photos, etc. But these decisions help me to think and create a space that is 100% mine!

Inspires Me to Be Better

I always get comments from friends on how inspiring my posts can be, but honestly usually my words are written just as much for me as they are for you! Especially with my lifestyle posts I love to experiment with morning routines and challenge myself to be better everyday to create an environment where I can grow and thrive. Also with having a blog comes a lot of self discipline, which helps me to stay on task with writing, posting on social media, and organizing my website. It’s really great to have a productive hobby that I can turn to when I have nothing else to do.

Learning is the Name of the Game

I couldn’t possibly tell you all how much I have learned since I have started this blog. From doing research on how to start a blog and following other bloggers, I have found a completely new world that I had no idea about. I am also learning about how to run a website, code a website, updates, and all of that fun stuff. I am constantly watching YouTube tutorials on how to do this or that on my site. Last but not least, I am learning so much about myself during my blogging journey that has made it so worth it in itself!

Helps Me to Share My Story

My blog is where I document my travels, adventure, and daily inspirations to share them all with you! At first when I started, I thought “oh it would be so cool to be a famous travel blogger, make money, and continue traveling.” But realistically who knows if that would even happen so it’s important to do it for yourself and your audience and let it build from there. I figure that even if I don’t have thousands and thousands of followers that I at least have a place where I can document my life and can look back on it to see how far I have come.

Encourages Creativity

Every blog is different, but that’s what makes the blogging community so great! One of the best parts is having something that is completely designed by you and your passion. I am also thinking about how I can make it more “me.” It’s a great way to become inspired to live a life full of purpose and creativity.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.                                                                                                                                                               -Maya Angelou

Thank you for you for reading, as always ♥ Molly

If you’re planning on taking a trip anytime soon, use this link to save $30 on your first Airbnb experience when you sign up through me! 

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Do you have a blog? What is your biggest inspiration and why do you keep blogging? Let me know below! I would love to hear why